Home » DIY Feather Top

DIY Feather Top

Ostrich feather everything is so big right now! The prices for a basic feather top is INSANE. Some of the big designers like Valentino are making feather tops upwards of $2000 each. I personally would never pay these prices for something so trendy. In avoid paying hundreds, just make it yourself!

Arts and Crafts: Feather Top

  1. Lay your top sleeve on a flat surface. Measure out strips of ostrich feathers the length of the inside of the sleeve. I was able to use 4 strips per sleeve from the feathers linked above.
  2. Put glue on the edge of the sleeve in a thin line. Take your strip of feathers and gently place them on the glue and press down. Let this dry for about 10 minutes then you can place another strip of glue and feathers on top.
  3. Repeat this process 4x and let it dry on a flat surface overnight. Now you have a perfect feather top!
  4. As a disclaimer, I would just spot clean your top. I don’t personally think the feathers would hold up well in the washing machine.

Helpful Tip: If your sleeves are too long just use a rubber band over the sleeve and pull the extra fabric over it!

feather top

If you don’t like arts and crafts, here are some lovely feather top options! Keep your eye out as I feel Zara and H&M might come out with their own version for a better price.